Tokyo 卍 Revengers

Tokyo 卍 Revengers

【Tokyo Revengers】Explanation of kanji (toppuku part.2)

Do you know the meaning of the kanji characters on the topk of Tokyo Revengers? If you do, you can learn more about the team and enjoy Tokyo Revengers more!
Tokyo 卍 Revengers

【Tokyo Revengers】Explanation of kanji (toppuku part.1)

Do you know the meaning of the kanji characters on the toppuku of Tokyo Revengers? If you do, you can learn more about the team and enjoy Tokyo Revengers more!
Tokyo 卍 Revengers

【Tokyo Revengers】Explanation of Phonetic equivalent (team name ver)

Do you know the meaning of the kanji used by team name of Tokyo Revengers? If you do, you can learn more about the team and enjoy Tokyo Revengers more!
Tokyo 卍 Revengers

【Tokyo Revengers】What is the Toppuku?

I explain about the toppuku,suicide suits worn by the characters in Tokyo Revengers. I found out why the delinquents wear the Toppuku.
Tokyo 卍 Revengers

【Tokyo Revengers】What is the origin of 卍?

It's easy that why the word "卍" is used in the title of Tokyo Revengers. It's because the gang to which Takemichi belongs is the Tokyo 卍 gang.